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 Marketplace / Shopping / 7827
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Maggie's July Shopping Report
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 00:29:10 GMT
390 times
Thought I'd report on the various LEGO deals I've found in brick and mortar
stores lately.  (No screaming 75% off deals or anything like that though--

Walmart:  Deals similar to those reported by Paul S. except when I scanned the
following at one Walmart I got these prices:
1352 Explosion Studio  $15.00  (I bought these up)
1353 Car Stunt Studio $10.00
1355 Temple of Gloom  $3.50
1356 Stunt Man Catapult $2.00
6713 Grip n Go Challenge $15.00

Prices at the other Walmarts in Solano County (Northern California) were the
same as what Paul noted.  But they'll probably come down in the next week or

MacFrugals: Similar to what Troy C. said he saw at Big Lots
6326 Town Folks $2.99
5920 Island Racer $2.99
1088 Road Burner $1.99
1096 Race Buggy $1.99
1266 Space Probe $1.99
1271 Jungle Surprise $1.99
Plus lots of Duplo and LEGO Baby (Primo)

Rainbow Grocery Outlet:
3552 the Znap helicopter with motor and flex cables: $5.99
2738 Duplo Train Bridge $9.99

KB Toy Liquidators:  The only thing they had from the buyout was Rose
Art foam mats for Lego at $5.00 for a set of two.

Target was still at 30% off on their clearance and pretty much everything is
gone up here except a few Gungan Patrols ($6.90) and #1351 Movie Backdrop
Studio for $41.90.

Every Shell station I have visited in Solano County and two in Novato, CA
either had no sets or only the small ones.  Fortunately a fellow Lugnet member
was kind enough to get me a few of the large ones.

Hope the above is useful in your never ending quest for bargain LEGO!

Maggie C.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Maggie's July Shopping Report
(...) <snip> One WM I visted had the Stuntman Catapult for $1, so I guess that qualifies (barely) for the first 75% off of the season ;) (...) Someone at the local WM, when asked where the new Lego sets were, replied "the new modular drops on Aug (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-01, to

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