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 Marketplace / Shopping / 7224
    Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Jennifer L. Boger
   I for one suspect that they've just got the wrong picture there, and people will recieve 4288s or some such bucket type thing. especially since the blue tub is listed as a separate item. I'll wait until someone else gets some first :) (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
        Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Todd Kubo
   Oh They did get the wrong picture there. I called and asked. Making sure I'd get the 1200 peice tub as advertised ;) Someone must of caught the oops, with the sudden flood of orders. (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
        Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Troy Cefaratti
   Todd, Who exactly did you call and ask? I'd like to make sure of myself. Troy Todd Kubo <> wrote in message (...) it (...) gives (...) (URL) >> > =2159638 (...) AOL (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
        Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Todd Kubo
   I called the 1.800.355.6388 number. Funny thing is I was in a rush to post this to LUGNET and flew out of their site I ordered 3. Well, now on loggin back in and trying to pay for this order I can't get to the cart to checkout. ;( (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
        Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Troy Cefaratti
     Thanks. Called myself and the nice lady said that I should be getting my blue tubs. Of course, I wasn't all that impressed with her level of knowledge, it seemed that all she did was look it up on the site herself. So, we shall see..... Troy Todd (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
         Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Todd Kubo
     I'm on the line and she can place my order. I lose the web discount code though. My only concern is which tub will I get? I'm printing the page out just in case. (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to
        Re: 3033 Blue Tub —Todd Kubo
   Alright, Finally got back into Bluelight and my cart is now empty!! Hmm...I think they reeled me back in. I'm on the 800 number now filing a complaint :) since I didn't get to checkout yet. Teach me to think of fellow LUGNETers again ;) (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to

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