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 Marketplace / Shopping / 4320
    30% selected sets at Target —Bruce Schlickbernd
   Dunno if it was just my local store, but be on the lookout. All prices on the following were 30% off: Droid Developer Kit 2963 3053 Emperor's Stronghold (white Ninja) 5925 Pontoon Plane 5976 River Expedition 6429 6432 6433 6467 8251 8252 8441 There (...) (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to
        Re: 30% selected sets at Target —Ran Talbott
   (...) If they haven't sold out, has this for $7. Which would still be cheaper, even if you only bought one, and added the $3 or $4 base shipping charge. (24 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to

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