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 Marketplace / Shopping / 2227
2226  |  2228
Re: Shop@Home Special on 6246???
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:30:21 GMT
420 times
In, Paul Ferguson writes:
In, Richard Marchetti writes:
I just called and they said "discontinued."  This much I already knew, but
did others actually score on this set?  I was going to order 4 sets...

...or should I try again tomorrow with complaints about the weekend service?
Will the customer service department proper be open tomorrow?


-- Richard


It's not a weekend service problem.

I called the day this item was listed as a special.  As soon as the
service rep read it off, I tried to order 4, but she told me that the
computer was showing only one in stock.  While I was giving her my
credit card info, THAT one disappeared as well.  (Arrgh!!!)  They
just had a few left when they posted the special.

Umm... Don't kill me, but I think that was me.  :/  I called and tried to order
10, but the rep said she could only get me one.  Right after that Tom posted
saying they were all gone.  Sorry!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Shop@Home Special on 6246???
(...) Richard, It's not a weekend service problem. I called the day this item was listed as a special. As soon as the service rep read it off, I tried to order 4, but she told me that the computer was showing only one in stock. While I was giving (...) (25 years ago, 17-Jan-00, to

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