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Re: Improved Pick-A-Brick packing
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 19:21:53 GMT
59 times
In lugnet.general, Jeff Reuland wrote:
Anybody know what 138 2x4's cost by weight???

When Pick-A-Brick first premiered at LEGOLAND and people were estimating price
per pieces, there was a link to a list of LEGO weights that Lutz Ulhmann had put
together.  We're going to DL next month and I wondered whether we should try and
fit in a trip to LEGOLAND or just buy at the LIC, so I decided to figure out how
expensive things were by volume or weight.  I used Lutz's numbers and the list
of pieces available at LEGOLAND and had Excel spit out this estimation of pieces
per 1/4 lb and price per piece.

You guys might find that helpful.

Since I don't have a cup yet, I haven't come up with great numbers by volume,
but roughly estimating we've decided to just stick with the LIC this trip.

Hope Maxwell

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Improved Pick-A-Brick packing
(...) say that I prefer the pay-by-weight approach used at Legoland. I want to spend my time choosing my bricks, not spend hours trying to pack them into milkshake containers :-(<< I kind of agree that it is a little time consuming to do but we have (...) (21 years ago, 18-Nov-03, to lugnet.general,

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