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 Marketplace / Jambalaya / 1608
    Re: Weeks Box - round two (, really!) —Kyle Keppler
   (...) Hmm, I didn't notice this but I do remember it being rather dusty. And FYI no one at my house smokes. Alot of the bags were in poor shape so I was going to replace them, but then we were out of baggies. (...) Yea I was dissapointed about all (...) (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to
        Re: Weeks Box - round two (, really!) —Frank Filz
   (...) I'm pretty sensitive to smoke, so perhaps you just didn't notice it, in any case, the existing box is now in our recycle bin, I'll use a new one. I did also notice a "greasy" residue on my hands after handling the parts which is characteristic (...) (24 years ago, 20-Dec-00, to

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