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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 9974
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Need pieces to #6270 Forbidden Island
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 23:55:46 GMT
40 times
Hi Legofans,

I need some pieces to complete my #6270 Forbidden Island. I tried Lego
Consumer Affairs, but they didn't have most of the pieces I asked for and
the others were too expensive. If you have these pieces and are willing to
sell them, email me. Here's the list:

The order is piece,quantity,color.

Imperial Guard shako hat- 1 black
Captain redbeard head- 1 yellow with redbeard,eyepatch
pirate shoulderpads/epaulettes- 1 brown
pants/legs- 1 white
pirate tricorn hat- 1 brown
whole pirate minifig,see him at:

pirate treasure chest- 1 brown
minifig coins- 8 gold
pirate pistols- 2 brown
pirate cutlass- 3 dark grey
pirate parrot- 1 red with yellow and green markings
pirate nonfiring cannon piece- 1 dark grey(just the cannon, not the base)
minifig whip- 1 green

flagpole/antenna- 1 black
shark- 1 dark grey
32x32 baseplate- 1 blue with printed circular island(the pirate one, not the
paradisa one)
4x4 mast base(old style,with 4x4 plate and part of a mast molded on)- 1 black
2x2x2 SMALL barrel- 1 brown
3x4 plate with spaces for 1x4 hinge plate- 1 light grey
1x2x5 column- 1 light grey
1x6 arch- 1 light grey
1x1 brick with stud on one side- 1 light grey
1x2 plate- 2 light grey
1x1 plate- 2 black
pirate rope bridge- 1 brown
1x3 "L" brick,looks like a 1x2 and 1x1 brick molded together- 1 black
2x2 round plate- 1 black
2x3 slope brick- 1 light grey
LONG pirate rigging/ratlines piece- 1 brown
palm tree segments- 5 brown
palm tree base- 1 brown
palm tree leaf holder- 1 brown
LARGE palm tree leaves- 4 green
2x2 round plate- 1 green
1x1 cylinder- 1 green
LARGE pirate flag(plastic kind)- 1 black with white skull and crossbones
1x2 slope- 1 black
1x1 cylinder- 6 black

That's the list. Reply or email me if you have a problem identifying a piece
on the list. Thanks in advance and see y'all later.


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