OK I again updated my wanted parts list, it's at
http://www.nl.3dgamers.com/lego/ under "Wanted parts and sets"
In return I have lots of parts from a 6382 set (no baseplate, but most
minifig parts, hose reels, ladder, doors and a tile with the flame logo and
1*2 slotted bricks for garage doors) If you're looking for something else,
mail me and I'll have a look in my spare parts boxes.
If you prefer to sell the parts, thats fine too, just let me know how much
you want for them. Thanks for looking!
Jan-Albert "Anvil" van Ree | http://www.nl.3dgamers.com
Brickbay shop "Brick Piles" | http://www.brickbay.com/store.asp?i=javanree
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