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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 8472
8471  |  8473
Re: Older Town sets (from the year 1982 up to 1991) in one lot!
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 11:09:15 GMT
784 times
Hi Guenther,

If you need to split the lot, be sure that I'm interested in 6676, 6698,
and 6651.

Thanks and best regards,


LG wrote:

I want to sell the following older Town sets in one lot.
The sets are from the years 1982 to 1991.
All parts are in very good condition and clean, all parts with prints-on, as
well as all minifigures are in perfect condition!.

Here is the set overview:
set #6501 (Sport Convertible-1987), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6502 (Turbo Racer-1987), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6506 (Precinct Cruiser-1989), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6521 (Emergency Repair Truck-1987), one black hammer missing/replaced
with a gray axe, original instruction.
set #6527 (Tipper Truck-1989), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6531 (Flame Chaser-1991), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6642 (Police Helicopter-1988), 100% complete, one smal white window has
yellowing, original instruction.
set #6643 (Fire Chief´s Truck-1988), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6671 (Utility Repair Lift-1989), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6675 (Road & Trail 4x4 - 1988), 100% complete, parts a little bit dusty,
original instruction.
set #6676 (Mobile Command Unit-1986), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6698 (RV with Speedboat-1986), 100% complete, original instruction.
set #6651 (Mail Truck-1982), yellow shutter on the back side replaced with red
ones, postbox with newer design sticker on -blue one, printout from the scans.
set #6608 (Tractor-1982), 100% complete, printout from the online scans.

The price for the whole lot (shipping with surface mail worldwide included)
is: US$ 100.-

If interested in this lot please contact me.
I will try to sell first the whole lot in one, before I think to split.

Best regards,

Message is in Reply To:
  Older Town sets (from the year 1982 up to 1991) in one lot!
I want to sell the following older Town sets in one lot. The sets are from the years 1982 to 1991. All parts are in very good condition and clean, all parts with prints-on, as well as all minifigures are in perfect condition!. Here is the set (...) (24 years ago, 16-Oct-00, to

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