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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 8460
8459  |  8461
FS:Cheap 5571 and other sets.
Sun, 15 Oct 2000 14:03:35 GMT
947 times
My Lego Technic collection is growing at an exponential rate and I figured that
as I wait to sell my 5571s at a higher price, the price of the sets I want to
buy rise as well so it's a wash. So I decided to reduce my price for 5571 at
US$200 per set. These sets have never been on a shelf - they are still in the
carton of 4 from the manufacturer. I updated my set list on Lugnet (member 282)
and I accept trade for sets that I don't already own (Only MISB sets). I also
have some other sets for sale (all MISB). $US, shipping from Canada.

8479: 150
8445: 50
8437: 55

6416: 50
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6037: 12
2848: 7
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