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Re: Flex-system cables from Control Center 2 (8485)
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 13:40:44 GMT
428 times
I have both a 8485 Control Center II (Sorry, I won't be parting out the
8485) and a 5118 Flex Cable Service Pack.  The longest of the 5118 pieces
appear to be a bit short for the head/tail control cables on the T-Rex.

Anyway to modify the design to accomodate shorter cables such as running
multiple wheels side-by-side to take up the needed length?

I have 5 more 5118s on order from the UK.  I should have them in a few
weeks, I'll sell a few for $15 each (same as before) + postage.  Let me know
if you are interested.


Phil Watt <> wrote in message
Anyone have the flex-system cables from Control center 2 for sale or

I have everything needed for the T-Rex, but these particular flex-system
cables in these lengths only came in this set (AFAIK).

Thanks for your consideration, -Phil

Message is in Reply To:
  Flex-system cables from Control Center 2 (8485)
Anyone have the flex-system cables from Control center 2 for sale or trade? I have everything needed for the T-Rex, but these particular flex-system cables in these lengths only came in this set (AFAIK). Thanks for your consideration, -Phil (25 years ago, 15-Dec-99, to

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