In lugnet.general, Todd Lehman writes:
> Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years... I've got
> a box of several hundred (or maybe 1000 or more, I haven't counted) LEGO
> elements that I know I'll never use. These come from buying up large
> collections at garage sales or on the net, in order to get a few sets I
> wanted for my Space collection, but there was always stuff left over.
> [...big snip!...]
Zoinks! I just dug the box out of the closet, and it's more than I'd
remembered. There's 16 pounds of LEGO semi-sorted into about two or three
dozen ZipLoc bags of varying sizes (from a pint up through two-gallon).
At first blush, this complicates things, because now instead of one big mix
there are several big less-mixes. But let's forget that and just say that
this is good like it is, because now there's definitely plenty of fodder for
several packages (at least 5, I should think), and I wouldn't want to mix
stuff together that's already semi-sorted.
Suzanne is away this week at a trade conference and has the camera, so when
she gets back I'll snap some photos of the LEGO and take queue requests.
Mostly, it's mixes of 70's & 80's stuff -- a bag classic red 70's windows
(many sizes), a bag of town and space and castle parts, a bag of minifigs,
a bag of trees, a bag of old gears, a bag of old wheels, a couple bags of
generic bricks, etc. Too much stuff to list; photos will work better.
I'm not going to sort any of it into sub-bags; I'll probably actually combine
a few bags so that it works out to 5 or 6 roughtly equally sized packages to
mail. Fair enough?
p.s. This is straying off-topic from the spirit of .general at this point
and into the spirit of a person-to-person "trade" type of thing, so follow-
ups on this article are set to .market.buy-sell.trade (stay tuned there for
more details)...
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 | | take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
| Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years... I've got a box of several hundred (or maybe 1000 or more, I haven't counted) LEGO elements that I know I'll never use. These come from buying up large collections at garage sales or (...) (26 years ago, 5-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)
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