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Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 04:25:28 GMT
50 times
In lugnet.general, Todd Lehman writes:
Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years...  I've got
a box of several hundred (or maybe 1000 or more, I haven't counted) LEGO
elements that I know I'll never use.  These come from buying up large
collections at garage sales or on the net, in order to get a few sets I
wanted for my Space collection, but there was always stuff left over.
[...big snip!...]

Zoinks!  I just dug the box out of the closet, and it's more than I'd
remembered.  There's 16 pounds of LEGO semi-sorted into about two or three
dozen ZipLoc bags of varying sizes (from a pint up through two-gallon).

At first blush, this complicates things, because now instead of one big mix
there are several big less-mixes.  But let's forget that and just say that
this is good like it is, because now there's definitely plenty of fodder for
several packages (at least 5, I should think), and I wouldn't want to mix
stuff together that's already semi-sorted.

Suzanne is away this week at a trade conference and has the camera, so when
she gets back I'll snap some photos of the LEGO and take queue requests.
Mostly, it's mixes of 70's & 80's stuff -- a bag classic red 70's windows
(many sizes), a bag of town and space and castle parts, a bag of minifigs,
a bag of trees, a bag of old gears, a bag of old wheels, a couple bags of
generic bricks, etc.  Too much stuff to list; photos will work better.

I'm not going to sort any of it into sub-bags; I'll probably actually combine
a few bags so that it works out to 5 or 6 roughtly equally sized packages to
mail.  Fair enough?


p.s.  This is straying off-topic from the spirit of .general at this point
and into the spirit of a person-to-person "trade" type of thing, so follow-
ups on this article are set to (stay tuned there for
more details)...

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
(...) Aw...please can you mix it up? you don't have to sort. how hard would it be to mix it up randomly? Just dump the pieces on the floor and go nuts! :) I'm jealous. I'd love to mix that many pieces up and undo all the stress of sorting. Oh well. (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Whoa, you have 70s red windows that you consider unusuable??? Yeesh, auction them off. I pay top dollar for those. Sure, put some into the box, yes, but if you have a whole gallon ziplock of red windows that's worth several hundred dollars to me, (...) (26 years ago, 8-Jul-99, to
  Re: take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Add me to the queue. (...) -- | Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp | Please do not associate my personal views with my employer (26 years ago, 22-Jul-99, to

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  take a piece, leave a piece -- traveling box of LEGO
Here's an idea I've been itching to try out for about 4 years... I've got a box of several hundred (or maybe 1000 or more, I haven't counted) LEGO elements that I know I'll never use. These come from buying up large collections at garage sales or (...) (26 years ago, 5-Jul-99, to lugnet.general)

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