| | Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE Ross Crawford
| | | (...) Check out (URL) .org.au> In mentioning this though, I realise the (URL) charter doesn't explicitly allow such postings, so there are probably many TOS violations in that group, not to mention the sidebar. Hmmmm. Maybe time to get the charter (...) (19 years ago, 29-Mar-06, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, FTX)
| | | | | | | | Re: IRON MECHA - The Qwelder Mech - FOR SALE Timothy Gould
| | | | | (...) IIRC the .org hierarchy was partially set up as a place where people could offer things for sale to their local area. I can remember that years ago a certain Australian got banned from posting for advertising sales in .loc.au but was then (...) (19 years ago, 29-Mar-06, to lugnet.market.buy-sell-trade, FTX)
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