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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 16443
  Re: If you were wondering about the BrickFest Event Kit...(thanking the vendors and help)
(...) Well, the official answer is from Christina: There is a bit of LEGO history behind that and an BrickFest tradition. 1. In almost every LEGO set there is an extra piece. Typically, it is a spare of an element that is already included in the (...) (21 years ago, 26-Aug-04, to,, FTX)
  Re: If you were wondering about the BrickFest Event Kit...(thanking the vendors and help)
(...) Hey, thanks. I guess a bunch of us had figured that, I was just wondering if there was something more insidious going on. ;) I really wish Lego had added some sort of "minifigure handle or rod" hole on the ball thoa, so it could be attached to (...) (21 years ago, 26-Aug-04, to,, FTX)

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