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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 1556
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#6195 Neptune Discovery Labs Available
Sat, 5 Jun 1999 10:18:37 GMT
575 times
   Hey, everyone-

   Please pardon the crosspost, but I'm hoping that this will reach
enough interested people this way.  I've come across a cache of what I
thought was six but instead turned out to be *twelve* Neptune Discovery
Lab (6915) sets for $50 each.  The store's manager has offered to
finagle me a further 10% discount for me if I can buy enough of them--so
I think that buying six or eight might be enough to justify it.  Now, I
have a promise for three of them, and I'll buy one to make it four, but
I'm looking for others who would be interested in getting NDLs (Naked
Dancing Llamas?).  The price would be $45 + tax + shipping, which I've
assessed equaling $60 per unit, priority mail insured.  Since I'll only
be here for another four days, I need to know ASAP--no later than
Tuesday evening, since I'll make the purchase on Wednesday.


   Lindsay Frederick Braun

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: #6195 Neptune Discovery Labs Available
These things have been for clearance sale for 50.00 at my nearby TRU for the last 6 months.. they haven't dropped the price, nor have they sold any of them.. They also have the largest Indian set for 50.00 a whole bin of them and they haven't sold (...) (26 years ago, 5-Jun-99, to,

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