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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / 13427
  looking for Michael Gokey and Juliette Johann
Michael Gokey and Juliette Johann please contact me about your brickbay order from Penney's Parts. Final attempt to contact. Matt (23 years ago, 11-Feb-02, to
  Re: looking for Michael Gokey and Juliette Johann
(...) I'll let her know you are looking for her. You'll have a response by Tuesday evening. Our email has been a bit...wiggy this past week. -Dave (23 years ago, 11-Feb-02, to
  Re: looking for Michael Gokey and Juliette Johann
Michael and Juliette both contacted me. Come to find out it was more a misunderstanding/impateince on my part. Left Positive feedback for both and appologize for the premature post. Thanks, (...) (23 years ago, 18-Feb-02, to

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