There are lots of new items at!
There are almost 40 new items on The Vault including Lego Race sets, lots of
Paradisa, new Kabaya and several old and rare sets! Lots of older items are
still available, including World Cup starter sets at a great price. Comming
soon will be Ninja, Indians, Aquazone and for the first time, used sets in
their own used set catagory.
I maintain a "Want List", so if you have a wish let me know. If what you
want is not listed above, ask! Reminder - All prices include shipping in
North America --> although that will probably change soon with the next
update :(
New Items:
603 Motorcycle with Sidecar, $12.00 New!
730 Basic Set, $65.00 New!
1806 Aqua Scooter Polybag, $8.00 New!
2556 Shell F-1 Ferrari, $67.00 New!
2962 Res-Q Lifeguard, $13.00 New!
3324 World Team Player with Ball, $2.00 New!
4546 Rail & Road Vehicle, $20.00 New!
5541 Blue Fury, $99.00 New!
6048 Majisto's Workshop, $52.00 New!
6082 Fire Breathing Fortress, $115.00 New!
6236 Islander's King Kahuka, $8.00 New!
6244 Armada Sentry, $21.00 New!
6254 Rocky Reef, $30.00 New!
6296 Shipwreck Island, $37.00 New!
6360 Yellow House, $85.00 New!
6376 Breezeway Cafe, $65.00 New!
6401 Seaside Cabana, $15.00 New!
6403 Playground, $22.00 New!
6404 Carriage Ride, $18.00 New!
6410 Cabana Beach, $42.00 New!
6444 Outback Airstrip, $38.00 New!
6489 Paradisa Water Park, $45.00 New!
6530 Sport Coupe, $12.00 New!
6547 Paradisa Fun Fair, $49.00 New!
6609 Race Car, $10.00 New!
6615 Eagle Stunt Flyer, $15.00 New!
6618 Barny's Racer, $10.00 New!
6619 Wrench's Racer, $10.00 New!
6649 Street Sweeper, $18.00 New!
6707 Lucky's Racer, $10.00 New!
6791 Wild West Bandit Polybag, $5.00 New!
6878 Blacktron II Sub Orbital Guardian, $17.00 New!
6887 Blacktron II Allied Avenger, $23.00 New!
6902 UFO Polybag, $6.00 New!
6988 Blacktron II Alpha Centauri Outpost, $135.00 New!
7855 12V Curved Rails, $13.00 New!
8280 Technic Fire Truck, $75.00 New!
kabcast Kabaya Knight's Kingdom 4-Pack, $45.00 New!
kabcity Kabaya City, $39.00 New!
Still Available
1127 Milka Waving Santa, $15.00 Price Reduced!
1128 Milka Skiing Santa, $15.00 Price Reduced!
1129 Milka Reindeer and Santa, $15.00 Price Reduced!
1182 Johnny Thunder's Raft, $12.00
1183 The Mummy's Curse, $12.00
1184 Ninja Catapult, $12.00 Quantities Limited!
1185 Ninja Rafter, $12.00 Quantities Limited!
1186 Ninja Sword Cart, $12.00 Quantities Limited!
1196 Tour de France Rider, $5.00 Price Reduced!
1197 Tour de France Camera, $10.00 Price Reduced!
1198 Tour de France Pitstop, $25.00 Price Reduced!
1199 Tour de France Finish, $35.00 Price Reduced!
1247 Shell Patrol Car, $7.00 Quantities Limited!
1253 Shell F-1 Hauler and Car, $20.00 Quantities Limited!
1254 Shell Select Shop, $39.00 Price Reduced!
1255 Shell Car Wash, $39.00 Price Reduced!
1256 Shell Gas Pump, $49.00 Price Reduced!
1749 Aqua Scooter, $8.00
1761 Paradisa Speedboat, $9.00
1782 Discovery Station, $60.00
1831 Maersk Truck, $75.00
1955 Color Line Ferry, $55.00 Price Reduced!
2126 Train Cars, $89.00 Price Reduced!
2147 Motor Glider and Trailer, $45.00 Price Reduced!
2149 Color Line Container Truck, $49.00
2153 Robo Stalker, $38.00
2154 Robo Master, $66.00
2160 Crystal Scavenger, $19.00
2161 Aqua Dozer, $24.00
2162 Hydro Reef Wrecker, $38.00
2769 Swamp Rendezvous, $35.00
2845 Buffalo Man's Totem Pole, $9.00
2847 UFO Space Glider, $9.00
2848 Bat Lord Air Surfer, $9.00
2849 Gyrocopter, $9.00
2871 Treasure Diver, $9.00 Quantities Limited!
2880 Lowrider Truck, $9.00
2881 Parking Gate, $9.00
2882 Sexy Speedboat, $9.00
2884 Microlight Glider, $7.00
2885 Ice Cream Vendor, $9.00
2886 Formula 1 Racecar, $10.00
2964 Insectoids Space Spider, $20.00
2998 Stena Line LINK Hydrofoil, $49.00
3016 Kabaya Ninja Catapult, $9.00
3018 Kabaya Ninja Sword Cart, $9.00
3020 Kabaya Raft Of Johnse, $12.00 Quantities Limited!
3021 Kabaya King Pharaoh the Third, $12.00 Quantities Limited!
3225 Wild West Train, $99.00 Price Reduced!
3303 World Cup Referees and Goals, $14.00 Quantities Limited!
3305 World Cup World Team Player, $2.00
3314 World Cup Security Squad, $34.00 Quantities Limited!
4525 Road & Rail Repair, $20.00
4816 Storm's Catapult, $10.00
4817 Skeleton Lockup, $10.00
4818 Bull's Dragon, $10.00
4819 Bull's Horse Cart, $10.00
5901 Adventurers River Raft, $8.00
5905 Gail Storm, $7.00 Price Reduced!
5906 Achu, $7.00 Price Reduced!
5911 Johnny Thunder's Plane, $8.00 Price Reduced!
5912 Mike's Swamp Boat, $8.00 Price Reduced!
5913 Dr. Kilroy's Car, $8.00 Price Reduced!
5914 Sam Sinister & Baby T., $8.00 Price Reduced!
6027 Bat Lord's Catapult, $8.00
6100 Hydronauts Cruiser, $9.00
6104 Aquacessories, $8.00
6125 Sea Sprint 9, $7.00
6135 Spy Shark, $12.00
6145 Crystal Crawler, $22.00
6190 Shark's Crystal Cave, $60.00
6195 Neptune Discovery Lab, $99.00 Price Reduced!
6248 Volcano Island, $15.00
6256 Islander Catamaran, $18.00
6258 Smuggler's Shanty, $19.00
6261 Raft Raiders, $24.00
6279 Skull Island, $69.00
6280 Armada Flagship, $66.00
6340 Hook & Ladder, $45.00
6415 Rescue Jet Ski, $9.00
6420 Mail Carrier, $5.00 Quantities Limited!
6441 Deep Reef Refuge, $72.00
6442 Sting Ray Explorer, $30.00
6490 Amazon Crossing, $24.00
6491 Rocket Racer, $6.00
6493 Flying Time Vessel, $50.00
6499 Time Tunnelator, $18.00
6546 Slick Racer 4, $6.00
6555 Sea Hunter, $8.00
6556 Scuba Squad, $13.00
6558 Shark Cage Cove, $36.00
6559 Deep Sea Bounty, $55.00
6599 Shark Attack, $13.00
6672 Safari Off Road Vehicle, $19.00
6706 Frontier Patrol, $9.00
6712 Sheriff's Showdown, $5.00
6716 Weapons Wagon, $11.00
6755 Sheriff's Lockup, $40.00
6761 Bandit's Secret Hideout, $50.00
6765 Gold City Junction, $60.00
6769 Fort Legoredo, $125.00
6790 Wild West Bandit, $9.00
6799 Canyon Showdown, $14.00
6800 UFO Cyber Blaster, $6.00
6815 Exploriens Hovertron, $6.00
6901 UFO Robo-Speeder, $9.00 Price Reduced!
6958 Explorien Android Base, $49.00 Price Reduced!
6981 Blacktron II Aerial Intruder, $97.00 Quantities Limited!
7852 4.5V Points, $15.00 Price Reduced!
8203 Micro Technic Dune Buggy, $10.00
8204 Micro Technic Sky Flyer-1, $10.00 Quantities Limited!
8223 Hydrofoil 7, $22.00 Quantities Limited!
8437 Future Car, $45.00
880002 World Cup German Starter Set, $40.00
kabbasic Kabaya Basic, $29.00
kabdino Kabaya Dino Adventurers, $38.00
kabninja Kabaya Ninja II 4-Pack, $45.00
kabport Kabaya Spaceport 4-Pack, $45.00
kabrobo Kabaya Robo Riders, $38.00
kabrock Kabaya Rock Raiders 4-Pack, $45.00
kabspac Kabaya Space 4-Pack, $45.00
target Target Action Pack, $13.00
ukwc Enhanced English World Cup Starter Set, $69.00
E-mail me to confirm your order. Washington State residents add 7% sales tax.
-Matt :)