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 Marketplace / Buy/Sell/Trade / *11585 (-5)
  Re: Brickbay Status
(...) I don't know the exact figures involved, but it's possible that the 'abuse' is perceived spamming. If you've got a lot of mail going to individual ISPs/mail systems, it's possible you're exceeding the set limit each ISP allows from an (...) (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Re: BrickBay is alive again
(...) I can access BrickBay using Netscape 4.5 on one machine and 4.76 on the other. Ray (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Re: BrickBay is alive again
(...) Works for me, IE 5.0 -Chris (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Re: BrickBay is alive again
(...) I can get to it in IE but not NetScape. Julie (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to
  Re: BrickBay is alive again
(...) Ummmmm, are you sure? I get the same sorry message. Tomas (23 years ago, 25-Jun-01, to

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