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Re: Help finding/searching for part
Tue, 13 Nov 2001 16:07:29 GMT
681 times
In, John Grubber wrote:
Hi all,
  What is the name of the plate that is flat on top, but has the four • flanges
sticking up to allow a plane roof, or car roof (the 4 x 4 plate with gaps • along
one edge) to be attached.

To explain it another way- the plate that attaches to the bottom of the • piece
that is typically used as a passenger plane roof.

is this it?



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  Re: Help finding/searching for part
Or this: (URL) Original Message ----- From: "Dan Boger" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 11:07 AM Subject: Re: Help finding/searching for part (...) four (...) gaps (...) the (...) (23 years ago, 13-Nov-01, to

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  Help finding/searching for part
Hi all, What is the name of the plate that is flat on top, but has the four flanges sticking up to allow a plane roof, or car roof (the 4 x 4 plate with gaps along one edge) to be attached. To explain it another way- the plate that attaches to the (...) (23 years ago, 13-Nov-01, to

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