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 Marketplace / Auctions / 8559
8558  |  8560
MIKE'S MONSTER PROMOTIONAL SET AUCTION (ebay) 1489,1831,1656 ect.!!
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 03:43:59 GMT
664 times
Hello to all!

Well I have another large auction running! This time promotionals!! As
always sit back grab a Pepsi and enjoy! If anyone has questions please
e-mail me at NEW ADDRESS! Some auctions begin to end tomorrow
Sunday 7/29.

Good Luck and thanks for the interest!

1721 Sandy point marina 1994 SEALED
1821 Truck racing 1996 SEALED
2140 ANWB road rescue 1996 SEALED
2531 Airline promo SEALED
1687 Midnight transport 1993 SEALED
1489 Crane 1989 SEALED
1808 Airline promo 1995
1831 Maersk cargo truck 1995 SEALED
1656 Fire rescue promo 1991 SEALED
1054 P&O Ferry 1999 SEALED
1475 Helicopter promo 1991 SEALED
1854 Velux house 1996 SEALED
1895 Police jet promo 1992 NEW
1682 Space shuttle 1990 SEALED
1560 Lufthansa jet promo 1974
1562 Lufthansa fokker promo 1976
1898 Weetabix racer promo 1989
1610 Police car 1991 SEALED
1611 Dune racer 1991
1630 Helicopter 1990
1631 Race car 1990
1632 Speed boat 1990 SEALED
1890 Race car 1992
1974 Helicopter 1989
1572 Tow truck 1986
1528 Race car 1986
1517 Race car 1989
1518 Race car carrier 1989
1496 Ralley car 1987 w/BOX
1497 Pit stop and crew 1987 w/BOX
1665 Dual race car promo 1990 SEALED
1786 Police promo 1995 SEALED
1720 Cactus canyon promo 1994 SEALED
1993 Race pack promo 1993 SEALED
1967 Bonus pack 1993 SEALED
1675 Promo tri-pack 1990 SEALED
2148 Semi promo 1997 SEALED
2532 Airline promo 1998 SEALED
1029 Tine milk truck 1999 SEALED
1896 Trauma team 1992 SEALED
1181 Spaceship 1999 SEALED
1180 Space rover SEALED
2849 Helicopter 1997 SEALED
2870 Paradisa Barbacue 1997 SEALED
2871 Diver promo 1997 SEALED
2880 Convertible promo 1997 SEALED
2881 Crossing gate 1997 SEALED
2883 Speed boat 1997 SEALED
2887 Fuel pump 1997 SEALED
2882,2884,2886,6407 Target promo 1998 SEALED
1196 Deutsche Telekom 1 2000 SEALED
1197 Deutsche Telekom 2 2000 SEALED
1198 Deutsche Telekom 3 2000 SEALED
1199 Deutsche Telekom 4 2000 SEALED
105  Canadian Postal van 1984
1722 Promo 2 pack 1994
3438 McDonalds promo 1999 SEALED
3442 Promo Semi 1998 SEALED
2774 Airline promo jet 1999 SEALED
1775 Airline promo jet 1994 SEALED
2769 Airline promo plane 1999 SEALED
Kabaya 4 pack RACE 1999 SEALED
Kabaya 4 pack SPACE 1999 SEAELD
2963 Race car promo 1998 SEALED
2962 Res-q promo 1998 SEALED
2554 Race car scene 1998 SEALED
2998 Stena ferry promo 1999 SEALED
2149 Colorline semi 1997 SEALED
McDonalds 1999 polybag lot- 17 bags
McDonalds 1989 polybag lot- 3 bags
Polybag lot #1 6428,1711,1710,6498,6791,6406
Polybag lot #2 1762,6406,1713,6428,6816,1806
Polybag lot #3 1461,1806,1762,6816
1807 Santa Claus polybag 1995
1612 Race car polybag 1988

All sets are in FANTASTIC condition! Please feel free to click on the link

Then check my other auctions! MORE ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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