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 Marketplace / Auctions / 585
  Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Opening bid of $200 invited. Increments will be in $10 units. Daily updates will be posted to RTL in addition to this group. Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 30-Jan-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $210 (Matt Morgan) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Daily updates will be posted to RTL in addition to this group. (...) (26 years ago, 31-Jan-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $240 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Daily updates will be posted to RTL in addition to this group. (...) (26 years ago, 31-Jan-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. GOING ONCE @ $240 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Daily updates will be posted to RTL in addition to this group. (...) (26 years ago, 6-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $250 (John DiRienzo) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will be posted to in addition to this (...) (26 years ago, 8-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $270 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will be posted to in addition to this (...) (26 years ago, 10-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. GOING ONCE @$270 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 12-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. GOING TWICE @ 270 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 18-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $280 (Jason Miles) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 19-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. Current Bid = $300 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 23-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. GOING ONCE @$300 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 27-Feb-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner Unopened box, superb condition with virtually no shelf wear. see (URL) for details. GOING TWICE @ $300 (Ricky Summitt) (...) Increments will be in $10 units. Updates will also be posted to Winner pays (...) (26 years ago, 4-Mar-99, to
  Re: Mini Auction - 6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner
6286 - Skull's Eye Schooner SOLD TO RICKY SUMMITT @ $300 (...) Cheers [SteveScott] (26 years ago, 9-Mar-99, to

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