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 Marketplace / Auctions / 523
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Re: [AUCTION] 8849 Technic Tractor - update 10
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:20:28 GMT
968 times
Chris Dee writes:
Chris Dee writes:
I'm auctioning a 8849 set. Condition unopened, but worn box, with small • price
label on front.

Bidding starts at cost recovery to me, payment negotiable in pounds sterling
(or possibly US$), but I'll run the bidding in US$ for convenience.

Winner pays shipping from the UK (I'll figure this out for US and Mainland
Europe and include in an update).

Auction format will be Going once/Going twice/Gone, with at least two days
between stages. Updates will be posted to

-------------------- ---- ---------------------
8849 Technic Tractor  $51 OPENING BID

18Dec1998              $75 to Larry Pieniazek
23Dec1998             $100 to Mark Koesel
30Dec1998             $100 GOING ONCE to Mark Koesel
   5Jan1999             $100 GOING TWICE to Mark Koesel
    7Jan1999             $110 to Roger Jochems
     8Jan1999             $135 to Mark Koesel
     11Jan1999             $135 GOING ONCE to Mark Koesel
      13Jan1999             $150 to Roger Jochems
       15Jan1999             $175 to Mark Koesel
        15Jan1999             $200 to Roger Jochems
         18Jan1999             $200 GOING ONCE to Roger Jochems •            20Jan1999             $200 GOING TWICE to Roger Jochems
Chris Dee

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [AUCTION] 8849 Technic Tractor - update 10
Chris Dee writes: I'm auctioning a 8849 set. Condition unopened, but worn box, with small price label on front. (...) 22Jan1999 $200 GONE to Roger Jochems (...) (26 years ago, 22-Jan-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [AUCTION] 8849 Technic Tractor - update 9
(...) 18Jan1999 $200 GOING ONCE to Roger Jochems Chris Dee (26 years ago, 18-Jan-99, to

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