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 Marketplace / Appraisal / 172
171  |  173
Re: appraisals wanted
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 01:57:28 GMT
1248 times
"craig hamilton" <> wrote in message

wise ones~

well.... if you put it that way..

  the first is set #1969, but not the space police set, but classic • legoland
space system .  it's the 3 pack with #6847 ~space dozer, and #6848 ~
interplanetary shuttle, with #6825 ~cosmic comet included as a freebie. • the
three boxes are mounted to a backing board with a clear plastic shell.

   Unopened, with the other sets?  Lets talk.  Loose ~$50.  With
instructions ~$125.

  the second is #6393 ~big rig truck stop from mid 80's legoland town
system. both never been opened, boxes dinged a bit.

   I might sell it for $100 to a friend, but probably $150.

  i'm wondering whether to keep or trade these, and i'm tempted both ways. • i
don't wish to sell, just get an idea of values in regard to trade offers.
thanks in advance for your appraisals

trade them... to me!  At least the first one is near the top of my list,
Craig!  Just tell me what you want.  I've got the cure to whatever ails ya.

Have fun!
John ( for the time being, please)

  later ~ craig~

still in awe over this find, and can those really be 2x8 long roof slopes
in #6393?

They don't make em like they used too!!

Message is in Reply To:
  appraisals wanted
wise ones~ the first is set #1969, but not the space police set, but classic legoland space system . it's the 3 pack with #6847 ~space dozer, and #6848 ~ interplanetary shuttle, with #6825 ~cosmic comet included as a freebie. the three boxes are (...) (24 years ago, 7-Jul-00, to

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