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  Re: RCX plus parts for sale
(...) I forgot to mention the RCX Remote control (URL) It is of course also in the package... :-) Ardjan (11 years ago, 2-Sep-13, to
  RCX plus parts for sale
I've not been here on Lugnet for a long time, so please bear with me if I violate the Netiquette... The Mindstorms EV3 is hitting the shelves around these days, and I am thinking about getting the set. My son (now 10y) had a 'robots for kids' (...) (11 years ago, 1-Sep-13, to
  LEGO DVD/download 1 day sale...
Just found some extras that I'm offering as freebies for 3 LEGO DVD/download orders.... only on August 28.... (free shipping of these paper items in a Christmas card + envelope)... 1) a 1969 USA Samsonite Catalog (not folded in superb condition) (...) (11 years ago, 28-Aug-13, to
  Price Guide for Finding old LEGO at Garage Sales and Fleamarkets
Many folks have seen old LEGO sets a Garage Sales or Flea Markets, or as they say in Britain, at Car Boot Sales (where they sell items from the back of the car or truck). But you may have hesitated because you had no clue as to the value of the item (...) (11 years ago, 12-Aug-13, to
  LEGO DVD/download available for i-Pads and i-Phones as well as PC/MACs.
For those of you who have my Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide as DVD/download... if you only have it on your PC/MAC, but not elsewhere.... it is also available for your i-Phones and i-Pads. If you can't download it, send me an EMAIL for (...) (11 years ago, 8-Aug-13, to
  Re: Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide Steep Discount for LUGs/Train Clubs
Well someone just asked me what "hundreds" of additional sets I have in my Collectors Guide that are not in the online databases?? Well here's 80 sets right here in the sneak preview chapter on 90 wooden box sets. Wooden boxed sets are the most (...) (12 years ago, 12-Jun-13, to
  Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide Steep Discount for LUGs/Train Clubs
Offering the 2800 page 6000+ image LEGO DVD/download with 73 chapters (including 2 chapters on LEGO Trains, 8 chapters on LEGO Town, 3 Castle, 3 Space)... includes every known set of 1949-90... including "hundreds"... not found in any online (...) (12 years ago, 12-Jun-13, to has been SOLD to a Hong Kong company.
The announcement was made on June 6, 2013 on Statements made both Eliska Jezkova Mother of Daniel Jezek and Jung-Ju "Jay" Kim the new owner of From BrickLink website: To the BrickLink Community: About a week ago I posted (...) (12 years ago, 6-Jun-13, to lugnet.general,, lugnet.people, FTX) ! 
  Classic castle and pirates - figures, weapons and armor
Hi there, I've recently decided to sell off most of my Lego collection to support my photography hobby and am offering up a collection of classic castle and pirate parts. The pieces in this collection range from the late 70's through the 80's and (...) (12 years ago, 31-Mar-13, to  
  LEGO Collectors Guide - DVD/download images of Magazine Ads.
One of the larger of the 73 chapters in my LEGO DVD/download is the chapter on Magazine Ads. They go back to 1953... and as current as 1999. Some of the old ads were given to me by my friend Henk from the Netherlands, who collects old ads and old (...) (12 years ago, 12-Mar-13, to

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