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  Mag Wheel Master LEGO Technic 8417 MSIB
Mag Wheel Master LEGO Technic 8417 (URL) fact that you're on Lugnet, you probably already know this is quite an old set. This is MISB from non-smoking home. ending soon. Good luck and thank you! (12 years ago, 7-Dec-12, to
  LEGO 8002 Star Wars Destroyer Droid MISB
LEGO 8002 Destroyer Droid™ / Star Wars Destroyer Droid (URL) started at one penny, still less than list price, and reasonable shipping from US. Non-smoking home. Ending soon! (12 years ago, 7-Dec-12, to
  Re: LEGO DVD Download Special Christmas Offer....
... and here's the Christmas Card "attachment", but without the writing... (URL) Istok (12 years ago, 29-Nov-12, to
  LEGO DVD Download Special Christmas Offer....
I'm offering a limited time. LEGO DVD/download special.... buy one of my LEGO downloads for $29.95, and for an extra $14.95, I will send the download to any LEGO friend that you choose (worldwide) a week before the Holiday's (or earlier), with an (...) (12 years ago, 29-Nov-12, to
  4 train motors to trade for RC track
hey Guys, I am clearing out what is left of my 9v train stuff and i'm looking for RC track. The more I can get the better. I have 4 9v train motors available. My preference is RC straight track but I would also be willing to trade for an equivalent (...) (12 years ago, 26-Nov-12, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book + Rare Windows
(...) Buy a DVD or download... and get either 15 mint classic windows 5 1x4x2 and 10 1x2x2 (3 lots available)... 5 New... (URL) 10 New... (URL) 4 mint 1x4x5 red windows with glass... (4 lots available)... 4 New... (URL) 4 New... (URL) or download... (...) (12 years ago, 15-Nov-12, to
  Old fabuland sets/parts, regardless of condition
Hi I am looking for Fabuland sets/parts/instructions in any condition - what matters to me is the price. Broken and yellowed parts ok for my need. Does anyone have something for sale? I dont want to buy sets as there are normally listed, rather a (...) (12 years ago, 14-Nov-12, to
  I never knew yellow 1x4x3 windows were so rare.... on sale...
I never noticed that the (what I thought was) yellow 1x4x3 windows with shutter clips was so rare in new condition... but they were only produced once since 1992... in the 2002 remake of the Black Seas Barracuda. Can't believe new ones are selling (...) (12 years ago, 5-Nov-12, to  
  Re: Bionicle - Full Tote - For Sale (or trade :) )
(...) snip (...) Somehow I still can't do a link properly-- (URL) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)
  Bionicle - Full Tote - For Sale (or trade :) )
(URL) A full tote of Bionicle! Yeah, I'm doing it... If you're interested in an overflowing large tote full of Bionicle bits, drop me a line! I've removed (most of) the axles, bushings, friction/frictionless pegs, lift arms, so in the tote right now (...) (12 years ago, 1-Nov-12, to, FTX)

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