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  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
As I've said, the nice thing about having the new DVD download is that future updates will be free... I've been getting some recent LEGO treasure images from TLG Archives and elsewhere... For example... the earliest retailer LEGO box is this one (...) (12 years ago, 21-Oct-12, to
  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
Besides selling my DVD on my own external site... I'm also selling it thru several Bricklink stores. Here's what my commercial page looks like... (URL) here's my first 2 Bricklink sellers.... selling (under Books/Other). USA (URL) no shipping or (...) (12 years ago, 15-Oct-12, to  
  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
My all time favorite LEGO chapter in my CD (Chapter 10)... much expanded in the LEGO DVD/download.... was the Wooden Box sets chapter (now Chapter 15 in the DVD/download). I have pictured about 80 or so wooden box sets... about double what TLG has (...) (12 years ago, 24-Sep-12, to
  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
Chapter cover picture... "The 50 year Evolution of LEGO Figures and Minifigs". (URL) (12 years ago, 24-Sep-12, to
  Re: LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
Thanks to whomever highlighted my post... I was just packing some BL orders, and was looking up the answer to some questions I was Emailed about how Minifigs originated, and I realized that there was an unfinished chapter that I never added to the (...) (12 years ago, 23-Sep-12, to  
  LEGO Collectors Guide Future Updates as E-Book
My LEGO CD/DVD days are over... as comprehensive collectors guides go. From now on it's only as an E-Book. I checked Kindle, and due to Kindle's limitations my current Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide (1949-1990s) would have required 14 (...) (12 years ago, 21-Sep-12, to ! 
  Re: website ready for order with new stock
(2 URLs) (13 years ago, 9-Sep-12, to, FTX) website ready for order with new stock
Hi All, The website is ready for orders!!! It took way longer than planned to get the site all up and running. And we have been so burried in "side" orders that we keep running out! But we just received a large shipment so there (...) (13 years ago, 9-Sep-12, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.trains, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.announce,,,
  1:87 black Bug with garage
$40 shipped - it's not in perfect shape but these things are not easy to find. (URL) (13 years ago, 2-Sep-12, to, FTX)
  1:87 black Bug with garage
$40 shipped - it's not in perfect shape but these things are not easy to find. (URL) (13 years ago, 2-Sep-12, to
  bulk for sale, 9v collection, orange, unsorted
hey guys, I am repacking my collection in preparation for a move to florida in april and I have a pile of stuff to sell 9v collection $130 shipping $15 - The power controllers have been modified for additional air flow. one controller does not work. (...) (13 years ago, 2-Sep-12, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO DVD download with 455 Lear Jet Freebies...
(...) Also... (damn I have to stop going into the basement... it's like LEGO Ahlzheimers... I find new parts every day...) I have 2 6626 Ambulance Helicopter (no box, no instructions... mint period parts... and (this is a rarity) a sticker sheet. I (...) (13 years ago, 15-Aug-12, to
  Re: Child's LEGO Table with 6+ lb. of nice bricks for $20
(...) Dave you would be most welcome to stop by... Lar is stopping by next week. I'm also downsizing my LEGO collection... way to much LEGO in the house. Dave didn't we meet at the NMRA Train Show in Detroit back in 2007? There was an entire (...) (13 years ago, 15-Aug-12, to
  Re: Child's LEGO Table with 6+ lb. of nice bricks for $20
(...) The next time I visit Windsor I'll tell ya! :) In all seriousness, i'm really thinking about making a trip to your abode just to hang out--it'll be a 4-5 hours(ish) trip. Dave K (13 years ago, 15-Aug-12, to
  LEGO DVD download with 455 Lear Jet Freebies...
OK the LEGO DVDs were going out slowly... bad source... some were empty... But the LEGO DVD downloads go out within hours... and download in only 6 minutes... Also found more stuff in he basement... 5 #455 Lear Jets... no box, no instructions... but (...) (13 years ago, 15-Aug-12, to
  Re: Child's LEGO Table with 6+ lb. of nice bricks for $20
(...) No takers at $20... OK then $10.... if you Michiganians pick it up... Gary Istok (13 years ago, 15-Aug-12, to
  Re: New website for LEGO download or DVD... with free future upgrades to the database info.
(...) Oh hell yes... :) That's why downloading is really today's technology (as you would probably agree Lar). CDs and DVDs are so "yesterday". But often people seem to still prefer them... I guess old habits die hard. By using a download , it's a (...) (13 years ago, 14-Aug-12, to  
  Re: New website for LEGO download or DVD... with free future upgrades to the database info.
(...) Do you plan to make access available to those who purchased prior to the website coming on line? (13 years ago, 13-Aug-12, to  
  New website for LEGO download or DVD... with free future upgrades to the database info.
I now have my own website for buying the 2,800 page Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide (1949-1990s) on DVD or especially on Download (immediate 10 minute download to your computer desktop with no shipping/customs charges). (URL) need for (...) (13 years ago, 11-Aug-12, to
  Re: Child's LEGO Table with 6+ lb. of nice bricks for $20
(...) I just checked.... make that 6lb.+ of LEGO included with the child's table plus the 32x32 green baseplate... (13 years ago, 25-Jul-12, to

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