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Re: Lego interest in South Africa
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 13:05:11 GMT
234 times
In lugnet.general, Hans Bregman writes:
Are there any South Africans interested in Lego. Please help as I need to
order parts in this country, but can't find suppliers of spares.

   Mynheer Bregman:

   I currently live in Cape Town, but I'm not sure how much help
   I would be because I'm not visiting back to the US until at
   least May or June.  And yes, getting supplies of spares to
   ZA is not easy--the Australians may complain rightfully,
   but the situation here is far worse.

   If you know what you need, I may be able to factor it in from
   the US (being a 'Murican and all) and save you the cost of
   exchanging monies; but that would require I find someone
   willing to post parts to me here at the Cape.  (Hint hint:
   any volunteers?)

   Unfortunately, although I have a truly crazy amount of LEGO,
   none of it is here with me (except for two dark grey 2x4 bricks).

   Pop me an email (not at the above address; rather, at lfbraun (at) and we can figure out what to do.  And post in, because it's lonely there!



   (followups to

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego interest in South Africa
(...) Hiya Lindsay, I'll raise my hand here. Let me know what you had in mind or need, and we can definitely figure out the logistics. -Shaun (22 years ago, 31-Jan-03, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego interest in South Africa
Are there any South Africans interested in Lego. Please help as I need to order parts in this country, but can't find suppliers of spares. (22 years ago, 31-Jan-03, to lugnet.general)

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