In lugnet.general, Hans Bregman writes:
> Are there any South Africans interested in Lego. Please help as I need to
> order parts in this country, but can't find suppliers of spares.
Mynheer Bregman:
I currently live in Cape Town, but I'm not sure how much help
I would be because I'm not visiting back to the US until at
least May or June. And yes, getting supplies of spares to
ZA is not easy--the Australians may complain rightfully,
but the situation here is far worse.
If you know what you need, I may be able to factor it in from
the US (being a 'Murican and all) and save you the cost of
exchanging monies; but that would require I find someone
willing to post parts to me here at the Cape. (Hint hint:
any volunteers?)
Unfortunately, although I have a truly crazy amount of LEGO,
none of it is here with me (except for two dark grey 2x4 bricks).
Pop me an email (not at the above address; rather, at lfbraun (at)
mweb.co.za) and we can figure out what to do. And post in
.loc.za, because it's lonely there!
(followups to .loc.za)
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