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Re: Bellevue square store opening
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 05:57:48 GMT
4756 times
In, Todd Kubo wrote:
Well all,
It was a long day in Bellevue Washington as we assisted in the opening of the
16th LEGO store.
It was a rush from the opening hour, and I have to say the store was the most
packed even early in the morning at the mall. Wayne Hussey, his wife Terry
Landers, Ashley Glennon and I, had a great time show our own MOCs and helping
with the kids build area and a Spiderman 2 Mosaic.

All in all a great day here in Washington as we welcome LEGO to our area!

Play On, Just Imagine, and Hurray for the LEGO corp.
Welcome to the Pacific Northwest!!

Hey Todd you guy's did a great job!! My son and I rolled through there early in
the morning (before 11) and the store was busy.


Message is in Reply To:
  Bellevue square store opening
Well all, It was a long day in Bellevue Washington as we assisted in the opening of the 16th LEGO store. It was a rush from the opening hour, and I have to say the store was the most packed even early in the morning at the mall. Wayne Hussey, his (...) (21 years ago, 11-Jul-04, to

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