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Re: October 20, 2000 Meeting at Cary Clark's
Sun, 6 May 2001 13:26:28 GMT
1719 times
I'm happy to report that nearly all of the buckets in Frank's 05 pic are
now parted out (plus forty or more buckets and tubs, and hundreds of
sets on top of that). As a result, I now have about twice as many
storage drawers as is depicted in the 06 pic . My unrealistic goal is to
get all of my backlog parted out by BrickFest. It would help if I could
quit buying stuff.

I've found that I can sort at work between problem solving, and that
helps a lot. I sort into Advent Calender trays, baggies and buckets, and
put them away later. Then of course I get 15 or 20 trays behind, and it
takes hours for me to put those away. The only downside to advent trays
is that the sides are so slick that bugs crawl in and can't get out
again. There's a particularly nasty one in a tray right now, that puts
me off from putting away the remaining contents.

Thanks to Alpha Team the upper right figure in 03 now has light grey
hands! I've completed a few new buildings since these picts as well --
we'll see if I can figure out how to transport them to the train show
without them completely imploding. My current thought is to wrap them in
Saran Wrap to hold them together, and then put them on a bed of foam


"Frank Filz" <> wrote in message
I just uploaded some pictures from the October 20, 2000 NCLUG meeting at
Cary Clark's:

Attendees were:

Cary (center in oct-06.jpg), Sheree Rosenkrantz (right in oct-06.jpg),
James Beerman (left in oct-06.jpg), and myself (behind the camera...).
You can see Cary's train table with huge bridges and buildings. You can
also see some of his storage containers, and a stack of buckets.


Message is in Reply To:
  October 20, 2000 Meeting at Cary Clark's
I just uploaded some pictures from the October 20, 2000 NCLUG meeting at Cary Clark's: (URL) were: Cary (center in oct-06.jpg), Sheree Rosenkrantz (right in oct-06.jpg), James Beerman (left in oct-06.jpg), and myself (behind the camera...). You can (...) (24 years ago, 6-May-01, to, lugnet.trains)

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