> > I guess my favorite would be #3 but I like #1 and #5 a lot too. Of course I
> > would be happy to contribute to any of these. Also remember we would like
> > to use some of the 2000 Castle sets as well.
> With the idea above we could use King Leo's Castle and Bull's Attack as well
> as a few of the smaller sets.
I guess the only thing that worries me about King Leo's Castle is is it going
to be underscaled compaired to the rest of the city? I really don't know so
any input there would be helpful.
> > I plan on doubling the size of the market and I personally like these sections
> > on the Tan 16x32 baseplates (gives a more worn look) plus I have quite a few
> > 16x32 Tan baseplates so it is convinient for me. I also want to try and build
> > some rural houses/buildings as well so I might be able to contribute something
> > there as well.
> A 'market square' idea could be good. That would give me space for my
> travelling
> players to set up. (For those who didn't read my other post, I'm thinking
> about a travelling troupe of actors, like the ones in _Hamlet_ or _Rosencrantz
> and Guildenstern are Dead_ - a wagon laden down with stuff that transforms
> into a stage, maybe a juggler to keep the crowd entertained between
> performances, etc.)
> This is where most of my peasantish bodies will probably be going, so I can't
> contribute much else in the way of populace, unless the
> white-shited
^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Bad Language alert! Bad Laguage alert! ;-). See even typo's
can get you in touble.
> green-vested
> pirates look medieval enough to other folks.
> I can probably also contribute some soldiers for the King - heck, on both
> sides. If the Bulls are willing to spend the money, they can hire the
> roughest, toughest, meanest bunch of mercenaries this side of the Carpathians
> - the Wolfpack Heavy Infantry. 16 strong, and no two with the same face! I
> could also whip up a seige engine or two for the beseiging army, including the
> new 6032 Catapult Crusher. (Although hopefully this will be after I complete
> my catapult testing article...)
> I think I could do up a section or two of town wall as well, maybe one with a
> smaller secondary gate in it. Hmm, here's a thought...I've got a spare Bull
> with sewn-on eyepatch that I've outfitted with a Darth Maul cape & hood - he
> looks quite the ruffian, or perhaps he's a spy who has slipped into the town
> to bribe one of the King's less loyal soldiers? The Wolfpack mercenaries and
> a small squad of Bulls could be lying in wait outside the town until the
> traitor opens the gate, allowing them to attack the castle from both
> sides...you like?
Well if we are going to wall in the town I could do some sections if they are
gray. I could probably even do a tower or two.
I like the whole sneak in the back way idea. I also got an idea from someone
that E-mailed me. What if the King in his Castle did not live in harmony with
the town folk. We could have a scene with an angry Mob gathering getting ready
to storm the castle a la Dracula.
Eric Kingsley
The New England LEGO Users Group
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