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Festival of the Masters in Orlando Nov 11-13 2005
Tue, 8 Nov 2005 20:24:42 GMT
10905 times
The GFLUG/GFLTC will have a display at Festival of the Masters this weekend at
the LEGO Store at Downtown Disney. The display will feature the History of
Humanity (HoH) in LEGO bricks. This is the only big event for us in the Orlando
area this year, so stop in and check it out! See the Event Calendar on for more information and other great events.

We will feature about 20 scenes from vignette size all the way to 3x4 green
baseplate size depicting a historical scene.  To encourge interaction, we
have display cards with questions for the audience to answer.  This is one of
Disney's largest events (basically an art show) and is expected to attract
200,000 people.
Most of the scenes will be MOCs by Lenny Hoffman, Robin Werner and KK Quah and
this will be our third time in this event.

Festival of the Masters
November 11, 12 and 13, 2005
9:30 am-5:30 pm
LEGO Imagination Center
Downtown Disney Marketplace
Orlando, Florida

KK Quah

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