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 Local / United States / California / San Francisco / 504 (-5)
  Re: Black rachet on space ship (like Metro Park)
Here are the two sets: (URL) Clark (URL) 39423705 ---...--- (...) (25 years ago, 6-Dec-99, to
  Black rachet on space ship (like Metro Park)
I think at the meeting last saturday Roger and Russell told me the number of the space ship that has the black ratchet track in the middle but I can't remember the set name or number. Can you tell me again? It sounds like a neat set that my son (...) (25 years ago, 5-Dec-99, to
  Re: Wanted: White 2x4s etc. for School Project
(...) Mark, call me at 510-261-1476. I have some 2x4s and such for you. Paul Sinasohn (25 years ago, 5-Dec-99, to,
  Re: looking for McDonald's set #2
(...) Thats right, I'm also in need of the Duplo set. None of the McDonald's around me had it. Russell (25 years ago, 4-Dec-99, to
  Re: looking for McDonald's set #2
I also have 4 of each non-Duplo set except #7, so I'll be looking forward to trading. -Tom McD. (...) complete (...) sets # (...) (25 years ago, 4-Dec-99, to

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