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Re: BAYLUG meeting in Sunnyvale?
Fri, 2 Feb 2001 02:53:36 GMT
1151 times
In, Zonker Harris <> writes:
At the present time, we still can't get into the Fremont Library
for a few months, due to the room still being booked out in advance.

So, Mark Benz is willing to pursue asking his son's school (in
Mountain View) if we could use the lunch room for a weekend meeting.
How many folks might be interested in  February or March meeting?

I'm interested in a Saturday (2/17 or 2/24?). Anybody else?


I'm up for the meeting 2/24 instead of 2/17


Message is in Reply To:
  BAYLUG meeting in Sunnyvale?
At the present time, we still can't get into the Fremont Library for a few months, due to the room still being booked out in advance. So, Mark Benz is willing to pursue asking his son's school (in Mountain View) if we could use the lunch room for a (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jan-01, to

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