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Re: Lovers of Lego go barmy
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 11:27:24 GMT
1298 times
Personally, thought that this was great coverage. I'm currently hunting down
a copy of the paper. It's delivered free, so you can't exactly go out and
buy one. Now they have printed this article, the Croydon Advertiser or
Croydon Post should be much more willing to publicise the next Lego event in

Speaking of events, Lego World was simply increddible. I got a great
reaction from everyone and my Thunderbird One was a great success. I'd
reccomend it to anyone for next year. I'll post a report on the Piece by
Piece website and include some photos. There are plenty of pictures on
Brickshelf which are really worth checking out. Now all we need is a Lego
World in the U.K...

Craig Stevens.

In, Huw Millington writes:
'wacky creations' ?  Charming...

The oxygen of publicity...  :-)

'a hundred visitors' and 'lego artists' tickled me :-)

Has anyone seen a printed version of this? It looks like it's in a • different
paper from the one we were told.

On Saturday Craig said it would be in the Post and not the Advertiser, I


Message has 1 Reply:
  Pictures from Piece By Piece
Sorry for the quality, the joys of scanning 6x4 prints (URL) the monorail is growing (22 years ago, 5-Nov-02, to

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  Re: Lovers of Lego go barmy
(...) 'a hundred visitors' and 'lego artists' tickled me :-) (...) different (...) On Saturday Craig said it would be in the Post and not the Advertiser, I think. Huw (22 years ago, 23-Oct-02, to

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