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  Re: Tescos HP Lego
(...) I eventually found a Tesco with one in but it was £69.99 :-( Maybe it's just a local thing? Phil. (23 years ago, 10-Sep-02, to
  Re: Tescos HP Lego
(...) Phil, the Tesco's at Lakeside (Thurrock) had a whole stack of them at £34.99 when i was in there at the weekend. Richard (23 years ago, 11-Sep-02, to
  Re: Tescos HP Lego
(...) If anyone could get me a couple I would be very grateful, I would then send payment to you + postage. I have seen them in Tescos up north, but they are all £69.99. Maybe it is a Southern thing!!! Michael (23 years ago, 11-Sep-02, to
  Re: Tescos HP Lego
"Michael LeCount" <> wrote in message > If anyone could get me a couple I would be very grateful, I would then send (...) are (...) Not obviously - Tescos in Broadstairs had them for £69.99 at the weekend :-( Darren (23 years ago, 12-Sep-02, to

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