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  A foreigner's impression of LEGOLAND Deutschland
I have just returned from a week in Bavaria with my wife and two daughters and thought I'd write some notes/impressions while they are fresh in my mind that may be of use to others thinking of travelling from other countries to LEGOLAND Deutschland. (...) (23 years ago, 22-Aug-02, to, lugnet.legoland.deutschland)
  Re: A foreigner's impression of LEGOLAND Deutschland
Thanks for the writeup! I just had the one question (...) I'm wondering, do you think that was due to language??? Perhaps something else? (23 years ago, 23-Aug-02, to, lugnet.legoland.deutschland)
  Re: A foreigner's impression of LEGOLAND Deutschland
"Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message (...) Stone (...) else? I think that had a large part to play, yes :-), it certainly wasn't obvious what was happening just from watching it. It was (...) (23 years ago, 23-Aug-02, to, lugnet.legoland.deutschland)
  Re: A foreigner's impression of LEGOLAND Deutschland
Hello everybody, (...) Just returning from my camper vacation, including a visit there, I can fill in here: For EUR 5, you can stay overnight plus the next day. This includes using the sanitary facilities, dropping dump water, and getting fresh (...) (23 years ago, 6-Sep-02, to, lugnet.legoland.deutschland,

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