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  Re: I'm back / Where is everybody?
Tony Priestman <> wrote in message (...) current (...) be! (...) Call them potential yellows. Red are LLW and LSB. Yellow are known areas of Lego fan activity. White are unconfirmed areas of (...) (23 years ago, 3-May-02, to
  Re: Autocar competition Parts arrive
For those who are interested, I have uploaded scans of the text which came with the parts: (URL) A =+= Have you inspected Arthur’s Seat yet? (URL) reasonable man adapts himself to suit his environment. An unreasonable man persists in attempting to (...) (23 years ago, 2-May-02, to, lugnet.technic,
  Re: Autocar competition Parts arrive
(...) I know, but no matter how much Duplo I buy her, she still insists on "daddy lego" She even refused a £10 Jack Stone police station at asda last week (yes 4611 for £9.97) We have compromised on used Paradisa sets, although the sight of her (...) (23 years ago, 1-May-02, to
  The sidebar
Hello all. As you may have noticed (and I rather hope you have!) I have been tinkering with the sidebar. Richard did a very good job of organising a hierarchy of pages below /loc/uk so I have decided not to mess with his setup or his standard format (...) (23 years ago, 1-May-02, to
  Re: Autocar competition Parts arrive
(...) Some of those parts are far too small for a 2 year old. ;) I shall have to ask : "what are steep corner walls?" Scott A (...) (23 years ago, 1-May-02, to

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