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  Interested in a swap? 6579 tyre's wanted
I require 2 6579 tyre's for a quick experiment and seeing as "Hooked on Lego's" minimum order limit is $4 it seem's like using them would be a lot of trouble just for two tyre's (and the experiment may fail). This is where the idea of a swap came to (...) (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to
  Re: Interested in a swap? 6579 tyre's wanted
(...) Steve, are you sure the set # is correct? From the figure in the database, I can't see any tyres on it! (skis only) Any other set where the same wheels are used? Pedro (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to
  Re: Interested in a swap? 6579 tyre's wanted
(...) It's a part number, not a set number. Steve (23 years ago, 1-Mar-02, to

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