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Re: Shipping tip
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 15:03:51 GMT
633 times
I'm having the same problem. I've been waiting 10 days now.

Scott A

In, Jason J. Railton writes:
Handy tip for Shop@Home UK:


This has come in at 50p cheaper than the usual "Priority Shipping" option
(not to be confused with "Express Shipping", of course).

Priority shipping is listed as 24hr dispatch, and total delivery time of 3-6
days.  It usually arrives (in Southampton, at least) in 4 days.
Regular Shipping is listed as 48hr dispatch, and total delivery time of 4-10
days.  Well, this is working days, counting only Mon-Fri (even though most
delivery firms work Saturdays), so what they mean is, a fortnight.  And it
took from Monday until Friday the following week to arrive.

I had assumed from the website that it's just the dispatch time that's
affected.  It's not - the route and carrier are different too.

"Priority" seems to go via courier from Denmark, then reach the UK fairly
rapidly (directly?  Air or sea, does anyone know?) whereupon it's delivered
by Parcel Force.  This "Regular" package, however, has "Deutsche Post"
stickers all over it, and was delivered to me by Omega.  I've no idea why
something that's gone via the German postal service should be delivered by
private courier over here (instead of the Royal Mail), but for a saving of
50p this delivery time really isn't worth it.  I know it's within their
quoted one, but only just.

Jason J Railton

Message has 1 Reply:
  Shipping tip - Don't Use Regular
I was about to post on this subject myself. I made an order on the 13th of Oct. According to S@H, it was shipped on the 16th. It still hasn't arrived. That's 18 working days. At the time I made my first call to find out where it was, I ordered a (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Shipping tip
Handy tip for Shop@Home UK: WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T USE "REGULAR SHIPPING"! This has come in at 50p cheaper than the usual "Priority Shipping" option (not to be confused with "Express Shipping", of course). Priority shipping is listed as 24hr (...) (23 years ago, 9-Nov-01, to

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