Re: New wagon prices up - who wants to set up grey imports from Germany?
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 06:59:56 GMT
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"Torsten Fresemann" <legodude@gmx.DELETEnet> wrote in message
> In, Lawrence Wilkes writes:
> > Anyone have a German contact for a bulk order in time for the TVLF perhaps?
> My friends, I am at your disposal.
> BTW I am hoping to attend TVLF with a couple of local AFOL friends of mine and
> meet many of you once again; however that depends entirely on the date, as I
> shall be in London in mid-September anyway.
Thanks Tosten
TVLF will likely be 15/16 or 22/23 of september.
Hopefully the new wagons will be shipping by then.
If so, I am sure there will be some orders we might ask you to bring over for us.
Fortunately, at least with shop at home I can order the products and pay for them myself, but have them sent to a
different address. So you would only have to do the physical carrying of the goods over.
Do you have a 40 ton truck?
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