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 Local / United Kingdom / 1875
    5600 RC Car —Liam Parnell
   Hi, A while back, someone mentioned this going really cheap. If it is available for 15-20 pounds, could a Fester get one for me? Thanks, -- Liam. (25 years ago, 24-Nov-99, to
        Re: 5600 RC Car —Scott Arthur
     This may have me a while back. The ELC had them. (...) (25 years ago, 24-Nov-99, to
        Re: 5600 RC Car —Ian Bishop
    (...) Early Learning Centres had these but local ones here are all sold out (I discovered, after finally deciding to get one). I had an idea about a radio-controlled metroliner... Ian Bishop, Ayrshire, UK (25 years ago, 24-Nov-99, to

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