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    Re: New Super Car (8448) —Gregor Benedikt Rochow
    (...) Pieces with studs would be nice. Or at least pieces with more than road-ends (i.e. none of the flex parts). (...) ? I received mine in the mail Monday morning. :) Other than availability issues, 8448 detail discussion would be (...) (25 years ago, 4-Aug-99, to
        Re: New Super Car (8448) —Stephen Robson
   (...) I'm not sure what you mean by the above. I thought I was posting to a UK based news group and certainly didn't go into much detail about the set. What do you mean by .general? Stephen. (25 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to
        Re: New Super Car (8448) —Gregor Benedikt Rochow
   (...) I'm in the US, so yall weren't much ahead, you see. (...) I mean lugnet.general. And everything you wrote, but for the UK availability, is of general interest, I think. (I just happened to see Huw's and your post in the all-groups listing) In (...) (25 years ago, 5-Aug-99, to

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