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Traveling to Singapore
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 16:45:42 GMT
45 times
If all goes as planned, i will be in Singapore from about 22 Feb to 3 March. I
will be working hard but would love to try to get hold of some AFOLs while I am
there. if you are interested, contact me offline via email. I know there are
some fans in Singapore! If there are things from the US you want, please mention
that, I might have some luggage space for small items (xpods and the like or

Why is NL on the group list? Because if all goes as planned I am doing this as a
round the world trip, and will have an 8-10 hour layover in Amsterdam on Monday
21 Feb. If you're in NL and want to get together, contact me offline. I am comfy
with doing a trip into downtown from Schiopol, I have done it before. In fact,
put it this way, I'll be going in to downtown anyway, and it's either meet up
with AFOLs or go "sightseeing" (ahem) (not averse to both, mind you!)... Ditto
on things from the US that you might want.

This could (as with any of my trips) fall apart at the last minute but hopefully
not... it looks fairly solid at this point.


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