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Re: Bricks & Blocks Outlet in Ontario
Wed, 22 Feb 2006 14:50:38 GMT
1842 times

Thanks for the indepth report. Oh, and I enjoyed the interview I watched with
you and commandN. It was a great interview. By the way, the book is great and I
have given it to friends and families that have lots of bricks but do not know
what to do with their collection. Many are well on their way to becoming
addicts, the good kind.


In, Allan Bedford wrote:
In, Todd Thuma wrote:
Okay, so I am dutifully going to Bricks In My Pocket BimP each week and was
astounded and pleased to learn about the CommandN reference to the site. So I
start watching the web-cast of show #33 on CommandN and I learn about...


The connection between Bricks and Blocks and the CommandN interview came about
when Brian (from CommandN) and I were trying to find a place to do the
interview.  I suggested the store and he thought it was a good idea.  The noise
level was a bit tricky, but then it's a store that sells LEGO and has building
tables, so the kids are there to have fun!  :)

So has anyone been there?

I've been to the one in St. Jacob's (where that interview was shot) many many
times.  I started going there in 1998, but I believe it's been there longer than

Is it the Canadian version of the LEGO Outlet in the

Yes and no.  It's like a LEGO company outlet store, except that it's an
independent chain.  They have the three stores you note below, but none of them
are actually owned by LEGO.  They do, however, have some close ties to LEGO and
get discontinued items, some Shop At Home exclusives (after a while) and stuff
like that.  They have told me that they are the largest independent LEGO
retailer in North America.  And they do sell lots of sets.

The site says that it has three outlet stores in Cookstown, Waterloo, and
Windsor. The web site is really rough and looks incomplete.

Yes, I'm not sure that they put much emphasis on their site.  But in the store
(where I've been) the staff are both friendly and knowledgeable.

Basically, I am look for some type of report on the store from someone that has
been there.

They have the display models and play area that I think you see a bit of in the
interview.  Lots of sets... and for newer sets and some assorted tubs etc. they
will often mark them at full retail price, but then mark them down a dollar or
two.  For example, a 1000 piece tub that typically would sell for $29.99
Canadian is often marked at $27.99.

They have a pick-a-brick as well.  It's what I call the "Christmas tree" style
with the buckets angled out, hanging off a central stand.  They got it in August
2004, but got their first change of assortment just a couple of months ago.
It's still a great feature for us to have up here.

I hope that fills in a few of the blanks, but feel free to ask more questions!

All the best,
Allan B.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Bricks & Blocks Outlet in Ontario
(...) The connection between Bricks and Blocks and the CommandN interview came about when Brian (from CommandN) and I were trying to find a place to do the interview. I suggested the store and he thought it was a good idea. The noise level was a bit (...) (19 years ago, 16-Feb-06, to,

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