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Re: Parlugment Meeting this Friday Nov 23rd
Thu, 22 Nov 2001 19:30:32 GMT
2063 times
In, Kevin Dixon writes:
Hi everyone,

This Friday we are having a Parlugment meeting in Ottawa.  So far we
have 4 people confirmed, Tim, Jude, Ka-On and myself.  Jeff are you able
to make it?  Anyone else who will be in the Ottawa area this Friday (any
MonLugers available?), feel free to drop by.

We are meeting at 6pm at the Red Lobster on Merivale.  Following supper
we can hit Zellers, Winners, and Toys R Us in the local area for a
little spending, and then head over to my apartment.

The MOC to bring is something space related.  I already have a small
scout MOC put together, and hope to build another space MOC as well.
However feel free to bring any town or train creations - I will have my
train track set up for sight seeing tours around the living room :)

Also, if you have any cool sets people might not have seen, bring'em!
I'll have some MISB sets available for trade...


I migth go, not sure yet, could you e-mail me direction to Red Lobster and your
place in case I go.


Message is in Reply To:
  Parlugment Meeting this Friday Nov 23rd
Hi everyone, This Friday we are having a Parlugment meeting in Ottawa. So far we have 4 people confirmed, Tim, Jude, Ka-On and myself. Jeff are you able to make it? Anyone else who will be in the Ottawa area this Friday (any MonLugers available?), (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to,,

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