In lugnet.loc.ca, Kevin Dixon writes:
> Hi everyone,
> This Friday we are having a Parlugment meeting in Ottawa. So far we
> have 4 people confirmed, Tim, Jude, Ka-On and myself. Jeff are you able
> to make it? Anyone else who will be in the Ottawa area this Friday (any
> MonLugers available?), feel free to drop by.
> We are meeting at 6pm at the Red Lobster on Merivale. Following supper
> we can hit Zellers, Winners, and Toys R Us in the local area for a
> little spending, and then head over to my apartment.
> The MOC to bring is something space related. I already have a small
> scout MOC put together, and hope to build another space MOC as well.
> However feel free to bring any town or train creations - I will have my
> train track set up for sight seeing tours around the living room :)
> Also, if you have any cool sets people might not have seen, bring'em!
> I'll have some MISB sets available for trade...
> Kevin
I migth go, not sure yet, could you e-mail me direction to Red Lobster and your
place in case I go.
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