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Re: Thanks Mel
Sun, 25 Mar 2001 09:46:37 GMT
478 times
In, Aaron Coghill writes:
Getting in first.
A big thankyou to Melody for hosting todays BUG meet, a great day, thanks.

Aaron Coghill
Fire Cheif - Kyola Department Emergency Services

Thanks also Mel  :)    Good company, yummy food, lots of models, a bit of
trading, great conversation about lego, what more could a person want. Thanks
heaps. These meetings are becoming a habit that will be very hard to stop.

Gary and Callum
Town BUG & Chatter BUG

PS photos have been sent to Aaron. If you would like you own copy let me know.

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Thanks Mel
Hi Mel, I would like to add to everyone's thanks for the day. My first lego day. Looking forward to the next one. cheers Tara ps. The red hair is terrific. A black train wheel fell off somewhere between purchasing it and getting it home, if anyone (...) (24 years ago, 25-Mar-01, to
  Re: Thanks Mel
(...) Thanks (...) And a Lego brick cake for afternoon tea! Mel can sculpt in media other than ABS :-) Kerry (24 years ago, 25-Mar-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Thanks Mel
Getting in first. A big thankyou to Melody for hosting todays BUG meet, a great day, thanks. -- Aaron Coghill Fire Cheif - Kyola Department Emergency Services (24 years ago, 25-Mar-01, to

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