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  Re: Latest update from LEGO Direct
Jason King wrote in message ... (...) You know I think when they say that, it's total rubbish! I've found that the larger sets are almost always the hardest to find. I've seen a large numbers of smaller sets from discontinued lines like Town (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to
  Re: Latest update from LEGO Direct
Good point.. the numbers don't lie... -- Jason King LugNet #665 Paul Baulch <> wrote in message (...) that (...) I've (...) Town (...) and (...) not (...) (24 years ago, 12-Jan-01, to
  Re: Latest update from LEGO Direct
(...) Just before Christmas a Hobart store had King Leo's Castle marked at $279 (RRP around $208) and it apparently sold for that price (this particular store will not price match). Over recent months this store has had a few other large sets all (...) (24 years ago, 16-Jan-01, to

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