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Re: Droid Development Kit
Newsgroups:, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic
Sat, 25 Nov 2000 03:53:25 GMT
881 times
Thanks for replying everyone...
I decided to get it since it is 600 odd pieces, seems like good value to me
even if i don't use the microscout, I have RIS 1.5....

Gaurav Thakur <> wrote in message
In, Jeffrey Hazen writes:
This is about as low as they got in the US, (approx US $50.00), and for
that it's a nice collection of white beams and bits.  I'm not sure I • would
have bought it unless I had the other robotics bricks (Scout and RCX)
already.  It doesn't do much by itself.


Jeffrey Hazen
North Mill Technology

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason King []
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 8:49 AM
Subject: Droid Development Kit

Local store has this at almost half price from AU$190 down to AU$99 what • do
you think as a source of parts, Worthwhile?

I found the set for $45 at my local Toys Etc. outlet two months ago and
decided to pick it up. It has a great collection of spare parts • (especially
beams and gears) which is useful if you're into building custom models. As
for the featured models, the "Level 1" droids look kind of nice but don't
have many functions. The "Level 3" droids appear to have much more
functionality but instructions aren't included for them and it's really • hard
to build them from the tips given on the CD. The "Micro Scout" computer • has
a built-in light sensor in the front and a built-in gear reduction motor • in
the back. It is not a bad unit, but it isn't very useful in custom models
since it can't be programmed and there are too few built-in programs IMHO

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Droid Development Kit
(...) I found the set for $45 at my local Toys Etc. outlet two months ago and decided to pick it up. It has a great collection of spare parts (especially beams and gears) which is useful if you're into building custom models. As for the featured (...) (24 years ago, 25-Nov-00, to, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.technic)

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