In, Jamie Obrien writes:
> I think it's a combo of the Cold (Cold in Oz, no can't be that),
> holiday time (Not for me, bugger (Do i here a car?)) and it's getting
> close to sports finals and people are propably recovering from getting
> the woopsidooda kicked out of them.
I would have thought the cold would be keeping people inside and hence
possibly online more, that is if they could tear themselves away from
the Lego! (yeah, that discounts the other very plausible
reasons such as mainland school hols).
I've been online lately a lot more than usual because it is
winter and all that entails, and while it's not exactly cold (another
mild winter, not as mild as last year, but still...) it is still gloomy
and uninviting outdoors! My usual net habit is an average of logging
on once a week, if that, as opposed to the last few weeks where I've been
online at least every second day, sometimes more.
Now, I'd like to know how the Italians can be so noisy when they are
supposed to be enjoying their summer, does this mean we are in for an
extra onslaught when it's winter in the northern hemisphere? We've
got some serious catching up to do as it is! :)