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Re: The "return" of Town in 2003
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,
Thu, 6 Mar 2003 03:07:23 GMT
35 times
Must not burst bubble

Arrgh! I have a sneeking suspicion that this info may be connected to a Rep
saying they were going to re-name JACK STONE, because kids weren't
identifing with him. I really hope not though.

You may find these sets now called 'Junior' instead of Jack Stone. They are
exactly the same.

We have had the new road plates for a while, and what we have noticed is
that on the back of the pack where you have the suggestions for your town,
the town is now 90% Junior ( Jack Stone ). The remaining 10% is made up from
the Creator range. And when you look at it, it sort of makes sense to make
the plates wider because no Jack Stone vehicle can keep in its own lane on a
classic plate, unlike pre Jack-Stone town cars etc... So it does look like
the plates have been made with the intention of being used with the Junior
Jack Stone) range...

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The "return" of Town in 2003
(...) Must not burst bubble Must not burst bubble Must not burst bubble Must not burst bubble Must not burst bubble Arrgh! I have a sneeking suspicion that this info may be connected to a Rep saying they were going to re-name JACK STONE, because (...) (22 years ago, 28-Nov-02, to, lugnet.general,

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